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Rotating Seasonal Wardrobes (Spring): Thinking Through Your Needs

source: Jon Kraft

source: Jon Kraft

With the official start of spring and more and more warm days every week, I’ve got the itch, and I’ve got it bad. It’s definitely time switch out all of our wardrobes and pull out the warm weather clothes.

With three growing girls (plus an undeniable need to break out the maternity clothes for myself), the idea of switching out the wardrobes can be a little overwhelming to me. How do I figure out what I have and what I need to buy? And as I pack away the old stuff, what do I keep and what do I repurpose or give away?

We’ll be talking about rotating seasonal wardrobes all week, but today, let’s start with some questions as you think through your family’s needs:

:: Is rotating wardrobes just a matter of packing up the winter stuff and pulling out the spring/summer stuff, or do you also have to purchase larger sizes for growing children?

:: If rotating wardrobes also means reevaluating sizes, have you stocked up on larger sizes or will you need to purchase everything?

:: What clothing needs does each member of your family need to have – dressy clothes, play clothes, sportswear, etc.?

:: Do you prefer to limit the amount of clothing each person has, or do you love adding new outfits throughout the season?

:: Do you have any hand-me-downs to sort through?

:: Do you have limited space for each person’s wardrobe, or do you make room for whatever they have?

:: Will you be packing away the winter clothes for next year or another child, or will you be giving them away?

:: When you pack away seasonal clothes, are they in a convenient location (such as under a bed) or in a harder to get to spot (such as the attic)?

:: Do you need to buy any hangers, storage totes, etc. before you’ll be able to finish rotating the clothes?

:: How many people’s clothes will you be rotating? Do you prefer to do them all at once or one at a time over several days/weeks?

Thinking through these questions before you start actually rotating the clothes gives you a head start and minimizes the surprises you’ll encounter in the process. We’ll talk more this week about some specific tips and methods for making the rotation a little easier for everyone, and I want to hear your tips as well!

Do you enjoy switching out your family’s wardrobes, or is it something you dread? Have you started the process yet this year?

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About the Author

Mandi Ehman

Hi. My name is Mandi and I’m an organizing junkie. I’m also a wife, and Momma to four little girls (5.5, 4, 2.5 and a baby!). I've worked at home since our oldest was a baby, and like a lot of other moms, my life is a constant balancing act of caring for my family and my home, meeting my obligations and finding time for hobbies in there somewhere. Oh, yeah, in the interest of full disclosure, I’m somewhat of a kitchen dunce and I only like to pretend that I’m crafty. Read more here!

2 Responses to “ Rotating Seasonal Wardrobes (Spring): Thinking Through Your Needs ”

  1. I definitely do not enjoy the process of going through clothes for the two kids and myself. We have way too many clothes (hand-me-downs) and it overwhelms me. I am looking forward to some good systems from you!

    Elizabeth @ More Than A Mom’s last blog post…Soaring Spirit Sunday


  2. I’m new to your blog…thank you for your efforts!!

    Funny you should write about switching wardrobes as guess what’s on my agenda tomorrow? MY closet. It’s just my hubby & I…we are emptynesters. But I have lots of clothes. I’m a firm believer in buying good, well made clothes..the basics. A good navy blazer, a few nice suits, etc. And I’m fortunate to live by a great outlet for a high end store which I score most of my clothes @ 70% off retail. A blessing which has amassed into a significant amount of “stuff”. And because I know most of the items are “classics” & the economy is bad, I’m really struggling with parting with my “stuff”. Storage is at a premium at my home which should be incentive for me to purge. But it is so hard. And I’m not a pack rat. I just think the economy has me being a little more cautious. So, that is a very new factor in my “sorting” of my clothes. I guess I will just have to dig it & get at it & see what happens. I’m usually very organized & clear in thought, but I’m somewhat tenative…I guess I’m more affected by the state of our country/world than I realized.

    Thanx for letting me air out my thoughts….


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