31 Days of Organizing for a Better 2010: Find a New Job

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31 Days of Organizing for a Better 2010: Find a New Job
Join us all month for 31 Days of Organizing for a Better 2010!

Although I know there’s been backlash with the whole, “You can be anything you want to be” phenomenon, with people pointing out that not everyone really can be an  NBA star or rocket scientist, I am a huge proponent of taking control of your life and putting the work in necessary to achieve your goals. Obviously it’s important to be realistic, but if you’re unhappy in your job, figure out what you’d rather be doing and if you have the skills necessary to do it, and then make it happen!

Before we had children, I ran a home daycare. While pregnant with out first, I realized that taking care of 6 children 12 hours a day was not an ideal situation for a first-time mom, and I began to look for other opportunities. When our oldest was about six months old, I began transcribing with Tara from Deal Seeking Mom. Over the following four years, we both built successful careers in the industry. At that time, with 8 children between us, we began to feel like the deadlines and nature of transcription were too much. Transcription would still have made a great part-time job, but we were both working full time and it was taking a toll on us. We began blogs in April of 2008 with the goal of eventually reducing the amount of transcription we were doing, and today we both blog full time. Most of my income comes from consulting work, but regardless, I am no longer transcibing, and it has been a relief to work without being tethered to the computer by earphones.

I’m not telling you this to earn a pat on the back or anything like that. Rather, I just want to illustrate that you can make a job or career change if you’re willing to invest the time and effort. There were days that I thought balancing transcription and blogging would kill me, but I kept my eyes focused on my goal, and now I am enjoying the rewards, with a job that I love that fits our family perfectly.

It takes time and hard work to find a new job or start a new career, but if you don’t get started today, you won’t be any closer to it tomorrow! If you’re looking to find a new job in 2010, here are my tips to help you organize your search and set yourself up for success, and Ron at The Wisdom Journal is sharing 4 tips for getting the job you really want!

1. Write down exactly what you’re looking for.

What type of job are you looking for? Is it a new career field or simply a new job within your industry? What are your ideal hours and responsibilities? What do you want to avoid? Sometimes we can fall into the trap of switching jobs only to realize we’re just as unhappy as we were before. Knowing what your passions are and what you’re looking for in a job before you start your search makes it easier to say no to offers that are good but not the best. Writing down your passions and dreams is also a good way to identify what you’d ultimately like to do if you’re not sure where to start your search.

2. Redo your résumé and get feedback.

You only have a few seconds to make a lasting impression with your résumé, and it should show potential employers why they want you on their team. If your résumé hasn’t been updated lately, take some time to update it this week. For tips on writing a résumé that stands out, Google “resume writing tips“. If you haven’t worked outside of the home in many years, get creative in your résumé writing. List your position as a homemaker and highlight skills and accomplishments related to the job you are applying for.

When submitting your résumé for a potential position, tailor it to fit the job you’re applying for. Take just a few extra minutes to emphasize your experience that prepares you for the specific position. It can make all of the difference when an employer is searching through dozens of résumés for the right candidate.

3. Make time to network.

It’s no secret that some of the best opportunities in life come through people you already know, and it’s important to invest time in networking to make sure you don’t miss these opportunities. Online networking at sites like LinkedIn and Facebook are great places to start, but be sure to consider offline opportunities such as industry conferences and lunches with other professionals as well. It may not seem like these efforts are getting you anywhere, but by investing time in these relationships, you’re increasing the chances that someone will think of you when an opportunity becomes available.

4. Go back to school.

If you’re hoping to make a complete career change, you may need additional training or education to make it happen. Again, there is no time like the present, and we’re often faced with two choices — make a sacrifice now in order to achieve a goal later or make a sacrifice later in order to achieve a goal now. Yes, going to school while working and raising a family is hard work, and it may not be the right thing for you now. But it may be that working hard and making sacrifices for the next year or two gives you incredible opportunities that benefit your family in the future. Only you know can make that decision, but it’s an important point to consider.

5. Maintain a good attitude.

One of the hardest parts of a job search or career change, in my opinion, is maintaining a good attitude in your current position once you make a decision to leave. However, having a good attitude and continuing to work hard not only benefits you in terms of recommendations and referrals but also makes it easier to get through each day. Make a conscious effort to appreciate the good things about your current job rather than focusing on the negatives. It’s great to look forward to achieving your goal, but don’t lose focus on the present in the process!

Are you looking for a new job or career in 2010? If you’ve made a change in the past, what other tips would you add?

The 31 Days of Organizing for a Better 2010 series is sponsored by Get Organized Wizard.Restore order and harmony in your home with The Ultimate To-Do List Pack, Home & Family Edition.

About the Author

Mandi Ehman

Hi. My name is Mandi and I’m an organizing junkie. I’m also a wife, and Momma to four little girls (5, 3.5, 2 and a new baby!). I've worked at home since our oldest was a baby, and like a lot of other moms, my life is a constant balancing act of caring for my family and my home, meeting my obligations and finding time for hobbies in there somewhere. Oh, yeah, in the interest of full disclosure, I’m somewhat of a kitchen dunce and I only like to pretend that I’m crafty. Read more here!

5 Responses to “ 31 Days of Organizing for a Better 2010: Find a New Job ”

  1. [...] “Finding A Job” – a topic that’s on the minds of a lot of people these days. Check out her post on this same subject — she has some GREAT [...]

  2. Great list of tips Mandi — I especially liked that you added the last one on attitude. Your attitude shows up in your voice when you have a phone interview and on your face when you meet your interviewer.


  3. Hi Mandi, it’s been awhile since I’ve been by but I am back in action again! Good to “see” you!

    These are all great tips, I am currently looking for a job myself… part time or full time… anything to help my hubby! This helps so much! Thank you for sharing!
    Chele´s last blog ..Mom Bloggers 2010 at Ocean Isle Inn My ComLuv Profile


  4. Great tips! I recently went through a hiring process at my company and found that so many people who were looking for jobs didn’t do even the few things we asked them to do in our Job Posting. I was so surprised!

    I guess my biggest advice for people looking for jobs right now is, read the post carefully and make sure you’re responding to each one in the most individual way possible. If it looks like you’re just “blanket” responding, most quality employers won’t even look at what you sent in.
    Meredith from Penelope Loves Lists´s last blog ..Chic Page Flags to Zotch Up Those Dull Documents My ComLuv Profile


  5. This is all really good advice. I plan on looking for a job starting late spring and can really use all the advice I can get. One thing I really need to start doing NOW is networking more.
    Carla | Green and Chic´s last blog ..My love of links 2010 – Vol. I My ComLuv Profile


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