Organizing Children’s Crafts: How I Do It

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I don’t have a vlog this week because I reorganized our craft supplies right after Christmas as I was cleaning up all of our Christmas craft stuff. However, I did take a picture of my “craft center” in my laundry room, which I love!

As I mentioned before, I also have six plastic storage boxes on a shelf in the laundry room that contain:

  • Paints and Glue
  • Paper and Stickers
  • Embellishments (foam shapes, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, popsicle sticks, etc.)
  • Play-Doh and Moon Sand
  • Bubbles and Chalk
  • Manipulatives (okay, not really a craft…)

I did ask my hubby if he could build me a small floating shelf above the craft center that I could use to hold jars filled with colorful craft goodies because I think it would be a nice extra touch as well as provide some actual storage.

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About the Author

Mandi Ehman

Hi. My name is Mandi and I’m an organizing junkie. I’m also a wife, and Momma to four little girls (5, 3.5, 2 and a new baby!). I've worked at home since our oldest was a baby, and like a lot of other moms, my life is a constant balancing act of caring for my family and my home, meeting my obligations and finding time for hobbies in there somewhere. Oh, yeah, in the interest of full disclosure, I’m somewhat of a kitchen dunce and I only like to pretend that I’m crafty. Read more here!

3 Responses to “ Organizing Children’s Crafts: How I Do It ”

  1. Like anything could compare to this!!

    oh amanda’s last blog post…Praying For Friends


  2. Great set-up. Is the file folder on the left also from IKEA? Do you know the name?

    Lucia’s last blog post…044/365


  3. Too cool! I’m always looking for ways to be better organized. I hate, hate, hate having to search for supplies. I really love the way this is arranged, and the file compartments are amazing! Now how come I never thought of using them for coloring books??? Thanks for sharing.


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